Our beloved Naoussa, this little jewel in the middle of Macedonia, is very well know domestically for its abundant natural beauty and its mountains! Since good things come in pairs, Naoussa offers you not one, but two ski resorts on its doorstep, ideal for your winter getaway!
The ski center of 3-5 Pigadia (2000m) is located on the west side of mount Vermio and 17km away from our hotel. Fully equipped with an artificial snow system, long runs suitable for all levels of skiers, ski schools, live events and equipment hiring at very reasonable rates, 3-5 Pigadia is by all means, one of the best ski resort in the country.
Our second recommendation, is called Seli (1900m) and it is located on the east side of mount Vermio, just above the traditional village of Seli and is considered the birthplace of skiing in Greece, operating since 1934.
Whether you are a ski or mountain lover, rest assured that both destinations will take your Naoussa experience to another level, creating memories to last!